CHALLOUK-ADVOCATEN is the firm of choice for a variety of legal matters. Goal-oriented solutions and professional assistance are of the utmost importance to us. Moreover, our firm has built up years of expertise in various fields of law. We are located in the heart of Antwerp. You are always welcome for a consultation by appointment. CHALLOUK-ADVOCATEN is a firm with a lot of experience and know-how in different areas of law. Our lawyers communicate fluently in several languages and have a straightforward approach. Moreover, they always try to remain clear about the (expected) costs.
Fluent communication is one of our strengths. We will guide you through the legal process with our professional advice.
Our lawyers possess a high level of competence in several languages and can plead both in Dutch and in French.
We can always give you clear advice thanks to our experience in the legal world and our specialisation in various areas of law.
We will remain transparent at all times and our lawyers will do their utmost to give our clients a clear estimate of the costs.
"Everyone is equal before the law, and the law is equal for everyone"
Family law is a part of civil law. It deals with family relationships and the authority of individuals (marriage, divorce, adoption, custody, etc.).
Civil law is a collective term for all rules relating to the mutual relations between people (family law, property law, etc.).
Traffc law is the law that deals with traffic on public roads (road traffic law, air traffic law, maritime law, etc.).
Criminal law is the part of law that determines what acts are worthy of punishment and what penalties should be imposed.
Immigration law is the part of the law that deals with the admission, stay and possible removal of foreigners.
Company law is a part of private law, it deals with the regulation of public and private companies (establishment, management, etc.).
Liability law determines when someone is liable for the damage suffered by another party.
Private international law is the part of the law that determines which national law is applicable to an international file/case.
CHALLOUK Yassine completed his 3rd degree in law (Master of Laws) at the University of Antwerp
in 2008
with 3 distinctions and 2 major awards throughout his study career. He worked for 3 years
(2008-2011) as
a trainee lawyer in various law firms. There, he was able to immerse himself in various domains
of law.
He completed his traineeship under the supervision of Master Van Dijck Erica. In 2012, he
founded the
law firm CHALLOUK-ADVOCATEN where he is currently working as a lawyer and provides further
guidance to
the firm. He distinguishes himself, among other things, by his pleadings, which he can give both
Dutch and in French. That is not his only distinction as in 2017 he received the DIWAN award in
category 'lawyers and magistrates'. For years, he has been a proofreader within the
Constitutional Law
and Administrative Law section. Furthermore, he is a member and advisor of the Moroccan
AAMOMEE (Association des Avocats Marocains et d'Origine Marocaine Exercent à l'Étranger). Since
Master CHALLOUK has been a member of the Supervisory Commission of the Merksplas Penitentiary
and within
that Commission he is a Complaints Judge and Chairman of the Complaints Commission. Since 2021
he has
been a member of the International Relations Commission (CIBA) within the Province of Antwerp.
The final costs vary from trial to trial. Our lawyers provide customised services according to the client's wishes. Therefore, it is virtually impossible to determine the exact cost of a case in advance, as the services and costs can vary greatly from case costs may vary significantly from case to case. A transparent and correct fee is important to be able to make an estimate based on our experience. The fees charged by our firm consist of fees, office expenses and legal and legal costs. You will be informed promptly of any new developments in the case and the effects these developments may have on the fee. The hourly rate we charge may also vary but our lawyers will keep you informed.
The honorarium consists of the remuneration for the intellectual work performed. The
is not fixed; it varies from case to case and depends on various factors. It depends on
degree of difficulty/complexity, urgency, etc. The fee can be calculated in different
We can use an hourly wage rate to determine the fee. This hourly rate is not fixed and
can vary from case to case.
The fee of a lawyer can also increase based on the value of
the case.
We can also apply a flat-rate fee for services rendered. Exceptionally, we can also
apply a fixed rate. This is, of course, discussed with the client beforehand. We can
also charge
a fee for a positive result.
We will provide the client with a detailed overview of the costs upon first request.
In this way, we try to prevent you from being faced with unexpected costs.
In addition to the honorarium, other costs are charged. These can be general
costs such as the costs for opening the file, legal costs, consultation costs, etc.
general costs are normally budgeted in the same way for each case. These costs can be
case of urgency but this will be discussed with the client. These costs can be indexed.
There are also specific file costs that vary from case to case. These can include the
costs of
bailiffs, notaries, etc.
We will provide the client with a detailed overview of the costs upon first request.
We always try to remain transparent about the costs so
that our
clients are not faced with unexpected costs.
Pro bono, also called second-line legal assistance, indicates that the assistance
provided is
entirely or partly free of charge. This assistance can be provided if you have
resources or if you are a minor.
CHALLOUK-LAWYERS does not, in principle, handle pro
bono cases.
To our website. Are you experiencing problems or can't you find what you're looking for? Don't hesitate to contact us!
Monday: 9h-13h and 14h-17h45
Tuesday: 9h-13h and 14h-17h45
Wednesday: 9h-13h and 14h-17h45
Thursday: 9h-13h and 14h-17h45
Friday: Work behind closed doors
Weekend: Closed
Abdijstraat 234,2020 Antwerpen
VAT-N° : BE0812.418.154
Tel.: +32(0)3.345.66.61
Fax: +32(0)3.345.66.60
Gsm: +32(0)484.47.99.45
Professional account:
BANK ING IBAN BE07 3630 3853 1066
Third-party account:
BANK ING IBAN BE87 6304 0620 0794
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